We all have shared great experiences so far and today was no exception. We started our day exploring Atun Poza, a flooded channel where we found some wonderful species of birds including jacamars, woodpeckers, macaws, parrots, and woodcreepers. We ended our morning exploration by having an outdoor breakfast on our skiffs.

We came back onboard to watch an excellent documentary about the Amazon’s people and wildlife.  In the afternoon, we moved to the Pacaya River area, one of the deepest parts of the Pacaya - Samiria Reserve. Here we found several groups of howler and capuchin monkeys. We also spotted a toucan and various species of hawk, cormorants and even a pigmy owl. We also had the opportunity to swim in a pristine lake which we reached after an exciting crossing through dense and exuberant vegetation.

At this point of the week, everyone onboard is checking their pictures and realizing how many adventures we have shared and how generous Amazon rainforest has been to us.

Now—to rest, because tomorrow we have to be ready for our last full day of our expedition! The week has gone so fast as we have been enjoying a great time.