After a great night’s sleep we woke up this morning to continue our explorations in the Amazon. We jumped into our skiffs right away (no time to lose!), so we could be out there at the best time of the day, when the activity is the highest.

Just before the sun comes out, all the daylight creatures of the rainforest wake up hungry and are actively looking for something to eat, or trying not to be eaten. Talking about food, this morning we had our breakfast on the go, on the skiffs. It worked out really great, because we accomplished our goal of getting out in the forest early without sacrificing the quality of our breakfast. The crew of the Delfin II showed up in the forest with a small boat carrying everything for our breakfast. Our three exploration skiffs tied up to each other in a shaded spot, and our breakfast boat was already there, waiting for us. A memorable breakfast indeed.

For the afternoon we enjoyed a delicious lunch and some rest, as the Delfin II sailed to the location of our afternoon activities.

This afternoon we also visited the Yanayacu Lake for a swim among gray and pink dolphins. Beer in hand, we floated in the refreshing water, with the aid of colorful “noodles” for flotation.

The scenery this afternoon was truly spectacular! As we sped on our skiffs through the meandering rivers and canals back to the Delfin II, the sun disappeared behind the low horizon, leaving behind a sky full of colors, reflected on the black water’s surface. The night quickly followed and the sky was soon illuminated by a myriad of stars, with the Southern Cross easily recognizable among them (a wonderful reminder of where we are).