We continue exploring the river; the Delfin II took us further in the Amazon region. We have arrived to areas that are continually exposed to the floods of the river, a fact that makes these places very changeable ecosystems. We have left the terra firme behind us.

In the morning we had a different activity. We took our Skiffs and went exploring Atun Poza. We started at 7:00 am. The light was beautiful, the birds were active, green iguanas were looking for some sun, and the sloths were starting to move slowly, as always… Once we found a beautiful shading place, we tied our skiffs together and had breakfast in the middle of the jungle! Not a picnic, a full breakfast served in an elegant way: Delfin II style! A display of local fruit juices, fresh made bread and cupcakes.

We came back to the ship and had some activities such as a cooking lesson and origami with towels, a delicious lunch and an always-welcome siesta.

The afternoon we navigated to Pacaya River. Here we took the skiffs to Yanayacu Lake, which means “black waters”. The distance was far, but we had to stop at the highlight of the day: A three toes sloth was very close to the river, feeding… as we got closer we had the great surprise of finding that our spot was actually a mother and its baby, who was has holding very close to her. There is nothing like observing a mother and its baby. How carefully they protect their offspring, how hard they work everyday to ensure their survival. That’s what is all about after all: to pass it all to the next generation. Let’s hope that the Amazon will continue here: wild, protected, mysterious and healthy… so our next generation can enjoyed it as we have done it today.