Early morning skiff rides always yield a huge assortment of photographic opportunities along the flooded areas of the rainforest. Our ride this morning brought close-up looks at birds, reptiles, mammals, and even some very interesting insects.

This morning the hotel department arranged to serve us a delicious breakfast right in our skiffs tied to each other along the riverside. Listening to the sounds of the rainforest while munching on fresh fruit, eggs, muffins and washing it all down with cool cocona and camucamu juice seemed surreal, but oh so decadent!

In the afternoon we journeyed by skiff deep up the Río Pacaya to Yanayacu Lake here in the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve. Our hope was to see wild howler monkeys and our wishes were granted with close views of these boisterous large red primates. An extra bonus was to once again be surrounded by pink river dolphins as we cruised the calm waters of the river.