Today was our second day whale watching in Bahia Almejas. Leaving National Geographic Sea Bird, our pangero (panga/boat captain) spotted a magnificent frigatebird with a meal in its beak, a fight ensued between frigatebirds and to the victor went the spoils. When we got out to the boca, where the waves were crashing and the whales had been, we found another boat in need of assistance. The panga from another expedition group’s motor stopped, so our pangeros swiftly moved in to assist the vessel. One of our pangeros attached a line and towed the vessel out of the waves and assisted until another panga came to help them. We only saw a whisper of a whale in the morning, but we saw a pod of bottlenose dolphins eating and some frigatebirds at their nesting site in the mangroves.

In the afternoon, the pangas went back out and we found a few more whales. The grand finale of whale watching was one last look at a gray whale mother and her calf.

After returning to the ship, we had some free time and then recap on the bow at sunset.