What a whale-y day today. We started with a humpback whale swimming along the shoreline of Isla Ildefonso. A small pod of common dolphins were sighted after lunch, as we observed these delightful little cetaceans a call came across the bow, a group, of something different! Up popped a pod of killer whales and the placid common dolphins started churning the waters of the Gulf of California. Through the white foam, you could see dolphin silhouettes and then the breaching of killer whales. The chase was on, and in the end, there was at least one less dolphin.

For our afternoon things were much less dramatic, but still quite enjoyable. Snorkeling and kayaking at Bahia Conception and a little cruising where some of us found a whale shark. The dark shadowy figure was as long as our boat. The polka dotted plankton feeder became elusive later in the afternoon, but a few bottlenose dolphins were sighted to all of our delight.