We disembarked early in the morning to explore the island of Bartholomew. We went on a pre-breakfast outing to the summit of Bartholomew. During our walk, we learned about all the geology of the place and the species that are establishing themselves on this young terrain.   It was an incredible walk.

After breakfast, we went to the beach to practice snorkeling, while some of us relaxed at the white sandy area. Many species of fish were seen during the outing, as well as a couple of Galapagos penguins.   Deep water snorkeling was also offered from Zodiacs, and we had an incredible time with sea lions, sharks and penguins.

After lunch, we navigated towards Chinese hat. We went out for another underwater expedition, to snorkel along a young lava field from 1897 off the coast of Santiago Island. The young lava field is home to many species of fish, white-tipped reef sharks and Galapagos sea lions.  Snorkeling right off the wall was an incredible experience. 

After snorkeling, we went on a Zodiac ride along the coast of Chinese Hat and Santiago to look for Galapagos penguins, so we could photograph them.  We were lucky to find a couple of penguins, striated herons, brown pelicans, and a small colony of Galapagos shearwaters.

After our full day of exploration, we returned to the ship tired but very happy.