Today we started our day with an energizing hike to the top of Bartholomew Island where we observed and learned about the geology of the archipelago. We had a clear morning so from here we enjoyed the most famous view of Galapagos. As we reached the summit, we looked around and could see several islands of the central realm of Galapagos. In front of us we observed Sullivan Bay on Santiago Island and its very black lava flow from 1897. Along the coast we looked at some blue-footed boobies fishing as well as magnificent frigatebirds flying above us.

After hiking we returned aboard and had breakfast, and later on we geared up and went to a nearby beach and went snorkeling. This island has a golden colored beach with very fine sand and calm clear waters. Snorkeling was not the only option, as we also had the opportunity to go on our glass-bottom boat. This place has a great variety of marine life. We encountered fish of different species, sea stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and some of our guests also spotted a Galapagos penguin swimming in the bay.

At the end of the morning we left Bartholomew Island and headed towards Chinese Hat. This is one of the best snorkeling places surrounded by spectacular volcanic landscapes. This afternoon was warm and sunny and the water was very clear, so here our guests snorkeled with white-tipped reef sharks, sting rays, and for a second time today we found some Galapagos penguins. Late in the afternoon we returned to Chinese Hat for a Zodiac ride along the coast where we observed Galapagos sea lions, brown pelicans, and Galapagos penguins on the black lava rocks.

We finished the day with a great sunset and brought lots of great memories with us.