The early morning light was gentle…but only briefly. On the equator the sun seems to jump above the horizon (and fall quickly below at sunset), with only a few minutes to really see the event itself. Fortunately, clouds provided respite for the climb, disappearing after breakfast just in time for snorkeling and swimming.

The plan for the morning was to climb the wooden steps built by the Galapagos National Park, all the way to the top – 359 feet above sea level!  It was successful and most of our guests made it to one of the most iconic views in the archipelago. Golden crescent beaches were seen on either side of a tombolo formation, with a pinnacle of rock on the northern side pointing heavenward…and a smooth soft beach where we landed after breakfast.

It was our intention to get as many people possible prepared and ready for snorkeling.  It is another world under there, and I always want as many guests to see it as possible.  We spied surgeonfish, pufferfish, flounders and even a shark!

The afternoon was different as different can be. The island of Rábida is rich in iron oxide and in the late afternoon light it glowed as no other island does in Galapagos, despite the occasional sprinkle of rain that came and went. We had the kayaks out for our first round of the trip and deep-water snorkelers launched themselves into the sea with gusto and anticipation…to be met with thrills and satisfaction with the clarity of the water. We viewed sea stars, parrotfish, surgeonfish, sea lions, sharks, a turtle, harmless salps in curtains (a type of harmless jelly), urchins and anemones. They were all there!

A small group of intrepid explorers took us up on the offer to go ashore on Rábida in the last hour of daylight and came back with tales of a lagoon and a lovely stroll before the light dimmed and it was time to return.

Tomorrow will bestow us with more surprises, for sure! Meanwhile, tonight the learning continues with a presentation from our Photo Instructor, Jason, aiming to improve our guests’ photographic skills during this week we have together.