At 6:30 in the morning the sun was out and we were ready for the first expedition of the day on this small island known for its truly fantastic volcanic landscape that some say looks like the moon.

About 400 wooden steps make up the boardwalk built by the National Park some years ago to protect the island from erosion and also to help people get to the top of the island from where you have an outstanding view of the surroundings as well as some other islands in the vicinity. Very few animals are found here as the land is dominated by rocks and the soil is not as productive from lack of humidity. Some lava lizards have become adapted to the area as well as some Darwin’s finches and Galapagos doves.

Vegetation is also very poor and the ones that live here are so well adapted that well deserve a mention, especially the Galapagos lava cactus, a pioneer on the lava.

After this early outing we come back on board for breakfast, also to get ready for the next activity of the day, snorkeling. A wet landing on pink colored sand was the beginning of a water exploration with many chances to see fish, sharks, rays, turtles, sea stars, and always the possibility of swimming with the most playful animals of the Galapagos, the sea lions. Snorkeling with penguins along the equator is unexpected but incredible, so we did.  We also spotted hundreds of sea stars like constellations in a clear sky.

Our next destination was an island that looks very much like a Chinese hat, from where its name derives.

We began the afternoon with a deep water snorkeling session along the coast of an island just in front of Chinese Hat.

There are so many different types of large and small colorful fish here, also large white tip reefs sharks lying on the bottom could be seen, a couple of sea lions came to entertain the snorkelers with their amazing charm and moves.

Penguins also live here. They actually nest here on these islands and have adapted to live in an environment quite different than the one they came from. We met some in the water and they stayed very close to us for some time before they swam away for fish. Other were standing on the rocks almost still as we snorkeled underneath their feet.

Later on we came back to this spot to take pictures of them on the rocks. Many were there, and not too far from them were other animals, sea lions doing all you can imagine they could. They are so flexible and playful in many respects just like humans, as they are mammals like us. Another great day in the Galapagos.



Photos by: Juan Carlos Avila and Xavier Romero