It is 6:30 in the morning, the sun is out, and we are ready for the first expedition of the day on this small island, known for its truly fantastic volcanic landscape, which is reminiscent of the moon.

About 400 wooden steps make up the boardwalk that was built by the National Park some years ago. The boardwalk shields the island from erosion, and also helps people reach the top, from where you can experience an outstanding view of the surroundings and other islands in the vicinity. Very few animals are found here, as the land is dominated mostly by rocks and therefore hosts very little flora. Some lava lizards have become adapted to the area, as well as some Darwin’s finches and few Galapagos doves.

The vegetation that manage to thrive here are so well adapted that they deserve a mention, especially the Galapagos lava cactus, a pioneer of the volcanic rock fields.

After this early outing, we return to the ship for breakfast, and also to get ready for the next activity of the day—snorkeling. We land on a beach of pink sand, and take off from there for our water exploration, with many chances to encounter fish, sharks, rays, turtles, sea stars, and always the possibility of swimming with the most playful animals of the Galapagos—the sea lions. We also have the unexpected opportunity to snorkel with penguins along the equator, which is a rare occasion! The rocks are dotted with hundreds of sea stars, like constellations in a clear sky.

The surprises didn’t end there—on our way back to the ship, we saw several bottle-nosed dolphins. Awesome!

Our next destination is an island that looks very much like a Chinese hat, and that is from where its name derives. We begin the afternoon with more snorkeling, this time in the deep water along the coastline. There are many different types of large and small colorful fish here. Also, large white-tipped reefs sharks ca be seen lying on the ocean floor, and a couple of sea lions come to entertain the snorkelers with their amazing moves and delightful charm.

Galapagos penguins also nest here in these islands, and we are lucky enough to encounter some in the water. They stay very close to us for some time before swimming away to find fish. Other stand perfectly still on the rocks as we snorkel underneath their feet.

Later on, we return to this spot to take pictures of the penguins on the rocks. Other animals join them for photos as well, including some playful sea lions, and our guests got some great shots. Another great day in the Galapagos!