Today we started our day anchored near the southeast corner of Santiago Island, right next to one of the most emblematic places of the Galapagos Island—Bartolome Island. Our first outing happened before breakfast, with the sun rising behind the spectacular cinder and tuff formation of Bartolome. The light was perfect for our photo group, out looking for their perfect shot. On our way to the summit we learned about the geology of the place, while surrounded by different kinds of parasitic cones and lava tubes. it was a great experience. From the top of the Island we were able to recognize more than 10 different islands, including the famous Pinnacle Rock. 

After recharging our batteries with our breakfast aboard National Geographic Endeavour, we continued with our activities at Bartolome. There were several option, from snorkeling in the clear waters of Bartolome, to a glass-bottom boat ride along the dramatic landscape of the Island, which is loaded with marine wildlife including colorful fish, sharks, sea lions, and even a couple of elusive Galapagos’ penguins.

In the afternoon we sailed to our net destination, Sombrero Chino. As the sun moved behind clouds the colors of the lava field next to us began to change, and a frigate bird flew by the ship. Once at our destination, it was time to snorkel with marine iguanas. The day began to get hotter and the iguanas were probably warm enough to go diving too. We also spotted white-tipped reef sharks, schools of colorful reef fish, and a playful sea lion around the snorkelers. 

Our expectations began to increase as the time to search for the endemic Galapagos penguins got closer and closer. By the time we boarded the Zodiacs the sun was shining without any clouds interrupting its light, and we spotted the penguins among the small dark lava rocks. We saw one penguin sitting on a lava rock, and it was a juvenile. The good news was that right next to it, on a rock in front, two adult penguins were preening themselves. Soon they might be in the water searching for their meal; small fish live in the waters nearby. What a great way to finish another day in paradise.