Very early in the morning, National Geographic Islander arrived at Bartolome Island. Our activities started before breakfast with a hike up to Bartolome Island’s high point, where we had a chance to see one of the most iconic views of the Galapagos Islands. After a deserved breakfast, we got ready for some beach time and deep-water snorkeling. For lunch, the crew greeted everyone with a traditional Ecuadorian meal where we tasted new flavors and exotic fruit.

Afterward, we had another opportunity to explore more of the underwater world or enjoy the beach with our first kayak outing. The wildlife was everywhere! Sea lions swimming around us, pelicans plunging into the water – what perfect conditions to remember forever.

To end the day, we had a nice and relaxing walk along Rabida Red Sand Beach. There were great photographic shots to be had by all as we saw baby sea lions and birds bathed in perfect light.