Today our Galápagos exploration brought us to the center of the archipelago: Bartolomé Island.  An early pre-breakfast hike to the summit of the island was the perfect way to begin our exploration.  Nature surprised us when we arrived, as a Galápagos sea lion was sleeping on the steps up the trail.  Farther into the island, the wonders of the origin of the Galápagos were displayed by the different volcanic structures found in the area: volcanic ash, lava flows, spatter cones, and lava tubes made it a perfect awe-inspiring moment.   

One of the most iconic elements of the hike was the pioneer plants found in the area such as the emblematic lava cactus.  Once we reached the highest point of Bartolomé Island, a magnificent view of Pinnacle Rock was revealed to our eyes. The color combination of deep blue sea, clear sky, and brown lava flows was the perfect symphony of nature for a splendid morning.  

Once back on board National Geographic Islander, we enjoyed a delightful breakfast in order to get ready for the next part of the adventure: deep water snorkeling. The magic of the Galápagos Marine Reserve was shown in a spectacular display of nature: colorful reef fish all over the rocky area, Galápagos penguins on the rocks, and a Pacific green sea turtle were the main attractions of a marvelous snorkeling adventure.

In the afternoon our explorations just got better, and a kayaking activity was the perfect way to begin.  Following the coastline of the cliffs found in the area, a hidden natural world was waiting for us: brown pelicans perching on the rocks, blue-footed boobies diving in the ocean, and playful Galápagos sea lions were our companions for the adventure.  At the end of our explorations, we enjoyed a marvelous hike along the red sand beach while enjoying the presence of sea birds and Galápagos sea lions. At night we had a spectacular sunset that made it a perfect expedition in the living paradise of the Galápagos Islands.