In the early morning we reached Bartolomé Island, named after Bartholomew Sullivan, 2nd lieutenant on the HMS Beagle. This very dry volcanic islet is located just off the east coast of Santiago Island, in the rain shadow of the larger islands of Santiago and Santa Cruz. Right before breakfast, and taking advantage of the beautiful early light, we climb up to the top of the island. The volcanic moonscape was breathtaking: rust-colored "spatter cones" contrasting with large pale tuff cones and lava flows, where the wind erosion over time has created incredible patterns in the soft volcanic ash. Few plants can grow under the drought conditions that occur here, such as the “Tiquilia” and the pioneer “lava cactus,” and therefore few animal species will survive here.

After breakfast, we gear up for the first snorkel outing of the week. We landed at the golden beach of Bartolomé and soon after everybody were exploring the waters surrounding the famous Pinnacle Rock. The conditions were perfect, with very clear water under a sunny morning. Plenty of colorful fish, some rays, playful sea lions, and some white tips reef sharks and even the first Galápagos penguin!

Once all back on board and after a well-deserved and delicious Ecuadorian lunch, we weigh anchor immediately and start sailing west towards Rábida Island.

Rábida is an incredible island with and unusual red beach. In 1975 the Galápagos National Park Service successfully eradicated introduced goats from this island, and soon the island will be free of introduced rats, one of the major threats for the endemic and native species.

We had the chance to explore the waters surrounding Rabida, with and incredible deep water snorkel outing where we encountered many more fish species, again playful sea lions, and the always outstanding marine iguanas feeding on algae while diving! Others explored the coastline by kayak, and were also surprised to see the wildlife of the site, including some shy fur seals hiding on the rocks.

Later on, we disembarked on the red beach and took a short walk on this amazing colored beach to see some very young sea lions pups among some youngsters and adult females, a couple of American oystercatchers, the always curious Galápagos mockingbirds, and of course an unforgettable sunset with this incredible setting.

This was only the second day of the expedition and its seemed we have seen so much so far!