Today on our Galapagos exploration, we experienced the center of the archipelago.  Bartolome Island was our first destination and the best way to begin our journey was to go for a pre-breakfast hike all the way to the top of the Island.  After a comfortable dry landing we started our way up the steps in order to reach the highest point of the trail. On our way up we witnessed a combination of volcanic structures that made it a stunning journey.

Pioneer plants such as tiquilia and lava cactus were a natural decoration on the lava rocks.  The splendor of the place was found once we reached the highest point of the trail.  There were dozens of spatter cones on one side of the Island contrasted with the deep blue sea on the other side and at the center of this the impressive pinnacle rock with the isthmus of Bartolome was awe-inspiring. 

Once back on board the National Geographic Islander we got everything ready for the next chapter of exploration, snorkeling.  As soon as we got under the surface, the marvels of the Galapagos Marine Reserve were on display for us.  Blue-chin parrotfish, razor surgeonfish, and Galapagos sea lions were part of the highlights seen during exploration.  

In the afternoon our excursions brought us to one of the jewels in the crown of the archipelago, Rabida Island.  Our first experience at this marvelous place was to go deep water snorkeling. Blacktip cardinal fish, Pacific green sea turtles, and feeding spotted eagle rays made it perfect for an exciting underwater adventure.  The final activity of the day was found along the shoreline of a marvelous red sand beach, which was naturally decorated by green saltbushes. The presence of a Galapagos flycatcher, and Galapagos mockingbirds just made it perfect for photo opportunities.  The sun setting behind the horizon was the indicator that our journey ends today, but will continue tomorrow in the living paradise of the Galapagos Islands.