Today we woke up anchored next to Bartolome Island which is a popular spot due to its volcanic landscapes. To better enjoy the scenery, we landed early in the morning before breakfast. As soon as we got on the trail it became clear why so many people come to this tiny group of islands. As Bartolome is a relatively new island, we found lava tunnels, spatter cones, cinder cones and tuff cones and not very much of wildlife. Once we reached the top of the island and saw the famous pinnacle rock, the choice to make this an early morning outing became quite obvious.

Later we went on the island to explore the underwater world with the Zodiacs. Some guests went to the beach to swim, while others preferred deep water snorkeling. Both groups found plenty of tropical fish, like parrot fish, damsel fish, sharks and more.

Then our “home away from home” moved to the second island of the day, Rabida. The first reaction of everyone who visits this place is WOW. The whole island is red- red cliffs, red trails, red beaches. We started exploring the island via kayaks and snorkeling. Along the shore we found pelicans, sea lions, sea turtles, and much more both on land and under the water.

To end the day we landed on the famous red beach of Rabida where we had a nice slow walk along it. Here we found some sea lions resting and some others feeding their pups, while we enjoyed the sunset as it was dipped behind the volcanoes of Isabela Island.

The journey of the National Geographic Islander is just starting and our guests have no idea how many great experiences are awaiting.