Today we started our day anchored near the southeast corner of Santiago Island, right next to one of the most emblematic places of the Galapagos Island, Bartolome Island.  Our first outing happened early in the morning with the sun rising behind the spectacular cinder and tuff formation of Bartolome.  The light was perfect for taking pictures of the landscape. On our way to the summit we learned about the geology of this location while surrounded by different kinds of parasitic cones and lava tubes.  It was a great experience.  From the top of the Island we were able to see more than 10 different islands.

Later in the morning, after having breakfast, we headed back to the Island to snorkel from the golden sandy beach of Bartolome Island.  The conditions were very enjoyable with good water visibility, warm waters and a lot of underwater activity.  We spotted many different species of colorful reef fish such as parrot fish, damsels, king angels, snappers and even white tip reef sharks.  The sky was clear and the air temperature was hot, atypical conditions for this time of the year.

In the afternoon, after our Ecuadorian feast, we visited the small Island of Rabida which is located on the southern end of Santiago Island.  There we continued with our activities.  Some of us went for another round of snorkeling and the conditions were once again great.  Schools of small silver fish such as anchovies and black-stripped Salemas were darting away from several sea birds.  Blue footed boobies and brown Pelicans were having a feast plunge diving and giving us a show with their radical maneuvers right in between us.  It was an incredible experience!  Later on we headed back to the National Geographic Islander to get ready for our last activity of the day, which was a walk on the red sandy beach of Rabida.  On the hike, we got the chance to walk surrounded by sea lions.  We found some pups nursing and a huge bull resting on the beach.  At the end of the walk the sun was setting, painting the sky with unforgettable bright colors. It was a great day at this piece of heaven on earth.