The Bay of Pigs offers everything from history to natural history, and an amazing cultural experience mixed in as well. Many of us started with an early morning hike around Zapata National Park with local guides admiring many of the endemic and native birds of Cuba. We found the West Indian woodpecker (Melanerpes superciliaris), the Cuban trogon (Priotelus temnurus), the Cuban tody (Todus multicolor), the Cuban emerald hummingbird (Chlorostilbon ricordii), and several others. Afterwards, we visited a tree that offered amazing views of the world’s smallest bird, the bee hummingbird (Mellisuga helenae).

For those who were more interested in learning more of the marine environment, we took a group to enjoy the underwater ecosystem of Punta Perzdiz. We also visited the Bay of Pigs museum, and received a very thorough chronology of the revolution and Bay of Pigs attack by American military. After a walk through town and seeing more of local life, we had lunch at Tiki Restaurant overlooking the bay in Playa Larga.

After lunch, we enjoyed a fascinating presentation by the head ornithologist of the Zapata National Park who related both the grandeur and challenges of the park. We followed the presentation with a visit to Korimakao Community Project which offers alternative careers for artists, dancers, and musicians. They shared with us their experiences and aspirations, as well as inspirational performances.