Land ahoy! We woke this morning to clement seas and the sight of sea lions riding the waves coming off the ship’s bow. Black-browed albatrosses followed as we neared the South American coast. The silhouette of Staten Island, the easternmost of the Tierra del Fuego Archipelago, was soon visible from the starboard side. The rugged coastline and the green forests of Nothofagus were a welcome change to the arid colors of the Falkland landscape.

This voyage is coming to an end, and the time seems to have passed very fast. It is time to pack bags and say so long to friends and fellow shipmates. At the captain’s farewell cocktail party, we reminisce about the times gathered in the wilderness of Antarctica, South Georgia, and the Falklands. How is one to relate with family and friends these wild and wonderful insights? The millions of penguins we photographed, the scenery, the colours and the smells we experienced these past three weeks. In some ways, words come up short in conveying the bigger moments, like the very first landing at an Antarctic shore, or Zodiac cruising by tabular icebergs larger than one’s house.

The evening lights of Ushuaia appear in the horizon, and National Geographic Orion will be tied up at the pier for the evening. She will be our home for one more night, and tomorrow we will go our different ways, saying goodbye to this ship and her crew who has faithfully taken us on an amazing journey.

Safe travels to all, and, as our Argentinian friends would say, “hasta pronto!”

Until next time, friends!