One of the aspects of the Amazon that most people are not ready for is the beauty of this place. With no towering mountains, plunging glaciers, or vast vistas, it is a subtle beauty. Mid-day light can be harsh and intense, but the early and late hours are a photographer’s dream. It can be a breathtaking landscape.

Today, we had early morning excursions on a beautiful bend in the Ucayali River. Patchy fog made for moody light. As the sun broke through, the wildlife came alive, as did the colors of the forest. Here, every shade of green is possible. The structure of the forest is amazing, and flowers of reds, yellows, and purples add to the mosaic.

We went out again late in the afternoon. Again, monkeys, sloths, and birds were highlights. As the sun dipped low, the light was incredible. Trees were aglow, many with a golden green hue. The river is rising, and filled with a green tint due to pollen and algae. As well, the noises of the sunset shift change were incredible. 

This evening, we did not return directly, but instead waited for dark. After a nearly full moon rose through the trees, we started searching for the nocturnal creatures. Owls and nightjars were in the trees, frogs were croaking loudly, and numerous bats were flying around us. We focused on the caimans, and were rewarded with some excellent close views. In certain spots they were nearly every 10 yards, and we even found some up on the banks, allowing for close photography.

We returned to the Delfin II, aglow with our experiences and the light of the moon.