Our Independence Day celebration started off with an amazing assortment of food from the hotel department. We enjoyed fresh fruits, eggs, meats, empanadas, and an assortment of freshly baked pastries. Happy 4th of July everybody!

After our scrumptious breakfast, we quickly deployed to the skiffs where and cruised Belluda Creek in search of monkeys and birds. Our quest was rewarded with both squirrel monkeys and brown capuchin monkeys.

The hotel department again outdid itself on our Independence lunch buffet! Afterward, we headed out late in the afternoon in search of caimans and other nocturnal animals. Searching with powerful torch lights, we encountered dozens of spectacled and black caimans. The highlight of the night was when we came across an estimated 12-foot-long black caiman! Our skiff ride back to the Delfin II was under a brilliant night sky dominated by the Southern Cross, Scorpio, and the Big Dipper!