Another relaxing breakfast led us to the Lido Deck where we spent the morning with the captain learning about weather routing, sail planning, and navigation. This was followed by a presentation by our historian, Maria. With no sails to set, we had time to take in an afternoon siesta before arriving to Port Elizabeth in Bequia, a member country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

We spent the afternoon exploring town, visiting the brothers at the wooden boat model shop, and taking a stroll along the boardwalk. This led us directly to Jess and our snorkel station at Jack’s Bar. Jack’s is everything you can imagine and more, as it sits nestled along the beach, beneath the palms, just feet from crystal clear water.

Our evening culminated with a beautiful sunset over the ship, proudly positioned at anchor in the bay just outside Port Elizabeth town. As we sat down to chat about our day, and share our experiences, the King Strings Band played sing-along melodies for us to enjoy.