This morning, we awoke to blue skies and calm seas overlooking the Kimberley’s second largest island, Bigge Island. Phillip Parker King named the island, and adjacent Scott Strait, after the Commissioner of Enquiry and his Secretary. The island is dominated by the oldest sandstone strata, Wunaamin Miliwundi, and features some of the most impressive wandjina art and what is called ‘contact’ art where Europeans first visiting the region are depicted.

After lunch we continued westward for a short distance to anchor off Careening Bay. This is the location where Phillip Parker King careened the HMV Mermaid in 1820 to make repairs. The long shallow beach has a special boab tree that has carvings from that visit of a few weeks. The area has some unusual vegetation, including basalt cycads on the Carson Volcanic layer. Many of the Mulla Mulla wildflowers were out in bloom and guests were also shown the display bower constructed by a male great bowerbird.

The day ended with another spectacular Kimberley sunset.