Our morning began with a successful Zodiac cruise around Bona Island. This island is a protected area and one of the most consequential nesting sites for seabirds in this area. Magnificent frigatebirds, boobies and pelicans compete to survive in the island. The rocky formation with an incredible diversity of plants is so attractive to explore. During the dry season, several trees blooms making the contrast of color unique.
Later in the day we visit Iguana Island, located next to the Azuero Peninsula. Some of us hiked through a short trail that took us to a nice remote beach. Some spiny-tailed iguanas performed for us their territorial display by bobbing their heads. After the hike, we took a dip on the beach. Nice coral reefs, colorful fish and turtles were the cherry on top of the cake. What a great way to end another day of exploration.