After navigation around the Azuero Peninsula, National Geographic Quest dropped anchor in the choppy waters of the Panama Gulf, within the Archipelago of Otoque & Bona Islands. These waters are very rich in nutrients due to the upwelling effect that the north trade winds created as they blow the warm surface waters away, letting the cold nutrient deep waters to arise. These rich nutrient waters formed a whole sea life ecosystem by providing enough food for fish, dolphins, whales, and seabirds.

The explorations today were via Zodiac rides, no need for walking…all there was to see was flying. These islands’ isolation, lack of land predators and rich ocean waters are the perfect ingredients for an incredible number of seabirds. Their silhouettes were up in the clouds, overwhelmed the sight of our guests.

The slick arched wings of the magnificent frigate birds, with their red inflated gular pouches, were looking for a free lunch from the boobies. The chubby heavy body of the friendly brown pelicans was resting on the rocks or sitting on the water surface. How about the torpedo shape from the boobies, which dart their bodies at incredible speeds to reach depths of 40 feet!

The day was not just birds and islands, but also the magnificent Panama Canal crossing. Right after sunset while we were enjoying cocktails up on the sundeck, National Geographic Quest was making its way across the Pacific Locks.