Our day was filled with exploration in the upper Amazon along the Marañon River. We began with an early morning visit to a private reserve. We set off just after breakfast by boarding some canoes on a blackwater lake. Once across the lake, we were surrounded by massive trees in a beautiful section of primary forest. Here, our naturalists led us through the forest, and we learned about the different trees and medicinal plants. Rainbow hued butterflies flitted about, and bird song filled the air.

Our walk had a destination, a set of suspension bridges working their way through the forest. Here, we were given an amazing perspective of being in the midst of the forest, with green surrounding us above and below.  Vines stretched all around us, and once again many different butterflies took advantage of the sunny skies. Palms lined a marshy area as the haunting call of a trogon echoed around us. We made our way back to the lake, where we paddled back across towards the Delfin II and a much deserved lunch.

In the afternoon, we explored a tributary, Nauta Caño, that penetrates into the Pacaya-Samiria Reserve. At the meeting of the two rivers, both pink and gray dolphins were actively feeding. Egrets and herons lined the banks, while terns and kingfishers joined in the feast. We set off in the skiffs, and on our first kayaking adventure. Ominous rumblings were beginning to be heard.

After about a half an hour of more incredible forest, filled with birds, flowers, and monkeys, the skies opened and the rain began.  It increased in strength, many of us enjoying a tropical downpour in THE grandest tropical rainforest. After awhile, enough was enough, and we retreated back to home sweet home. The comfort of the Delfin II was a welcome sight after another great and busy day.