It’s the 14th of February again! Wait, What! Because we have crossed the International Date Line heading east towards the Antarctic Peninsula, we were required to repeat yesterday once more so that we can arrive home at exactly the correct time.

So, with our extra day onboard National Geographic Endurance we visited the incredible Cape Colbeck and Bartlett inlet, and today was all about the emperor penguins. After a morning at sea with a fantastic presentation by National Geographic Photographer Jasper Doest entitled ‘A Voice for Nature’, we jumped into the Zodiacs to get up close to the largest group of emperor penguins seen so far on this expedition.

In the afternoon after teatime, many of us also took the opportunity to do some kayaking in the beautifully calm conditions of Bartlett Bay. It’s a unique experience paddling amongst towering ice structures with the feathery locals looking on.

Tonight we celebrated our successful time in the Ross Sea with a performance by the ship’s band, The Shakletunes, who entertained us in the Ice Lounge. We all need to let our hair down every now and again; the perfect way to end this Ross Sea chapter.