Today we visited Aboriginal cave art. At the beach we observed turtle tracks and turtle nesting sites. We went for a walk and found sandstone and native plants growing there, food eaten by Aboriginal people. The absolute highlight were the caves containing Wanjina and contact art. It is fascinating to look at 5000 – 6000-year-old art which is still relevant to local Aboriginal people today. These rock paintings are a fascinating comparison to the other artwork which we saw today and yesterday.

Back on the ship, Cultural Specialist Birgit gave a presentation about the lifestyle of Aboriginal people and the way they adapted after the settlement of newcomers. The ship repositioned during lunch, and we visited Careening Bay in the afternoon and admired an ancient boab tree. This species only grows in Northwest Australia and is an impressive sight to behold.

We had the usual relaxing cocktail hour with recap stories followed by a delicious dinner. It was a perfect day, and we can’t wait to see what is in store for tomorrow.