As the sun tried to break through the morning fog, most of us boarded the skiffs to begin our exploration of the Amazon. Crossing the mighty Marañon River, we entered a small blackwater creek. Fishermen were catching many fish, including various catfish and piranha. A sloth was spotted curled up in a ball. Then we began to experience the diverse bird life as the forest came alive. Parrots noisily flew overhead while kingfishers were on most prominent perches. A few different hawks gave great looks, including the black-collared hawk. Soon, it was time for breakfast.

For the main part of the morning, we took our first walk into the rain forest. Here, we focused more on the plants, their medicinal uses, and the various strategies to survive. One massive strangler fig was a sight to see. Of course, we also were looking for critters. Lizards, tarantulas, birds, and a snake were enjoyed. Two different species of poison dart frog were also found, and helped us practice our macrophotography.

In the afternoon, we explored the black water river called Yanayacu. Most again boarded the skiffs, but some of us went for a kayak. This was the perfect place! With the sun behind us, we paddled and drifted with the current and floating vegetation. A constant procession of parrots passed overhead, while other parrots and parakeets fed in the numerous Cecropia trees. As the sun began to set, the sky lit up in an array of colors. We made our way back to our new home for the week, the Delfin II, as a rainbow appeared above the ship. It was a perfect sunset!