The Amazon region is one of the most spectacular nature destinations on Earth. This name conjures images of mystery, magic, and bewildering biodiversity in a land of seemingly endless rivers and rain forests. Abundant rainfall, continual warmth, and a huge drainage basin allowed our planet’s most diverse and extensive rain forest.

Today, after a well-deserved rest, we started our expedition in the Peruvian Upper Amazon in high spirits. Right after breakfast we went for an exciting hike in an area known as Casual. Equipped with rubber boots and accompanied by our three naturalists and three local native scouts from the community, we explored a well-maintained “terra firme” rain forest trail. This outing is a great introduction to the enthralling Neotropical rain forests. We observed several animal species that our native scouts spotted including frogs, lizards, and snakes. We saw a Pink-toed tarantula and several beautiful flowers as well. Once back on board we had a couple of introductory talks. The first one was on the Amazon region: its origin, geology, biodiversity, and facts. The second one was on the Pacaya Samiria Reserve, the area we will be exploring during the week.

In the afternoon, after lunch, and after being mesmerized by the many Pink River Dolphins that were seen during lunch from the dining room, we explored the Yanayacu River. It is a black water tributary of the Marañon River. In this area several bird species were spotted.

Late in the afternoon with the company of a stunning sunset, we returned to the ship with unforgettable memories from the first full day of our expedition this week in the Peruvian Upper Amazon aboard the Delfin II.