Today we start our expedition in the enigmatic Upper Amazon of Peru.  This morning we all woke up in high spirits to explore a location known as Casual.   We had a hike on a “terra firme” rainforest. The latter never gets flooded allowing a peculiar richness of plants and animals biodiversity. Our naturalists plus three local native men from a nearby community helped us to locate some interesting species. We observed some frog species, a couple of beautiful snake species, a red-tailed boa and a juvenile green anaconda.  The icing of the cake of this morning´s outing was the spotting of a juvenile bicolor porcupine.

In the afternoon, after lunch, we explored the Yanayacu River which is a large black water tributary of the Marañon River. We had a very successful skiff ride for we observed several bird species. A spectacular golden sunset gave a magical ambiance to our return to the ship.