A new expedition in the magnificent Upper Amazon in Peru started yesterday with our guests arriving to the ship from Lima late in the afternoon. After a well-deserved rest, we woke up today ready to explore the Pacaya Samiria Reserve! Right after breakfast we went for a hike in a location known as Casual. We explored a terra firme rainforest with the company of our naturalists plus three local native scouts from the a nearby community. This outing was an introduction to the fascinating dynamics of the neo-tropical rainforests and its flora and fauna. Along the trail we observed several frog species and a beautiful snake species, a red-tailed boa.
In the afternoon, after lunch, we explored the Yanayacu River which is a black water tributary of the Marañon River. In this river, rich in organic tannins, we observed not only several bird species as well as pink and gray river dolphins, but the beautiful reflections in the water as well.