This was our first morning in the Amazon, and it did not disappoint. Despite the days of travel to get here, we were all up early and ready for our first skiff ride. Being in the forest as it (and we) were waking up was lovely. Bird calls in the distance, new colorful birds within sight from the skiff. A highlight of our first outing was a three-toed sloth. From there it was back for a delicious breakfast and then out again. This time to explore the forest by foot.

This morning we hiked on terra firme or solid ground. The local use of this phrase means land that never floods. This is important and unique here in the region of varzea or flood forest, where the river water, which is now rising, will eventually top the banks in most of the area we travel. Trees in the varzea are specially adapted to  survive water around their trunks for many months of the year. This is an impressive feat! Just as impressively, the fish move into the flooded forest to feed and mate. What a wonderous world! 

On terra firme this morning we were greeted by a palate of all imaginable shades of green. We were introduced to the rain forest plants and many of their uses. The animals often small and hard to find were some of the highlights. Our guides from the local village found tarantulas, poison dart frogs, lizards, and the most amazing of all, an anaconda.

Our first day in the Amazon was topped off by a delicious dinner and music from the crew. Clearly the men we know as our waiters, cabin boys and Maitre d’ have incredible talents beyond the excellent care they give us on the ship. We are headed off to the deck to enjoy the coolish night air and take in the surroundings.