In the Amazon Rain Forest every minute out there is important and full of bird sightings, new scenic views of the forest and rivers.  Our daily activities started early with a pre-breakfast skiff ride exploring Pahuachiro Creek. These narrow creeks are the best paces for observation of wild life. Especially the neat Black Collared Hawk and many other types of raptors as well as small song birds.

Pahuachiro Creek has tanning rich black water; therefore, the surrounding jungle is reflected on the water’s surface. The black water acts as a mirror for the trees. Here, we spotted cara-caras, iguanas as well as many neotropical birds. One of the best parts of the morning was spending time under a big tree that happens to be a nesting colony of yellow rumped caciques and oropendolas. This was an exciting place due to the colors of the birds and their amazing songs.   

The second part of the morning activities was at casual reserve and we explored a trail under the tall trees with deem light in some places due to the abundance of vegetation, we listened to the sounds of the animals and we got to see some exciting species form very close. With the help of the local people we saw some exotic creatures. All of us with the unaided eye and with no local guide would have never found one!

These local guides went into the forest and suddenly they appeared to show us frogs, tarantulas, a sloth and even an anaconda!

Once back on board in the late morning it was time to set our journey to our next destination and also gather at the open bar lounge on the Delfin II to celebrate with Pisco Sour our journey in the mighty Amazon River!  Later in the afternoon we reached our visitor site. We tied the ship to a tree on the shore and we got ready to explore Clavero Lake.  This place is quite special for the wild life. It actually holds a superb collection of creatures such as: pink and grey dolphins, pigmy marmosets and our best sighting was a plum throated cotinga. Just to mention a few of the highlights of this place!