Our first day exploring the Upper Amazon began with a beautiful sunrise. We had spent the night tied to a tree on the river bank of the Maranon River, one of the principal tributary of the mighty Amazon River. Early before breakfast, we loaded our skiffs and went to explore a lovely creek called Pahuachiro.

It was a great morning for birding. Different species of birds were sighted along this creek. They were all concentrated in their breakfast that they basically ignored our presence.

Right after breakfast, we explored a section of “Tierra Firme”, a land that doesn’t gets flooded when the water level of the River rises. We hike a trail called Casual. The sighting of big reptiles like anacondas and red tail boas were the major attraction.

Our afternoon activities were done in another creek called Nauta Caño. Kayaking and skiff exploration were the option. As we started to load the skiff, a gentle tropical rain began to fall over us. This didn’t stop us from doing our activities.

It was a great afternoon that ended with sightings of primates, different species of birds and pink dolphins. Just an awesome day!