Welcome to the Amazon!

This morning on our first day in the upper Amazon of Peru, we woke up early morning further down the river from our starting point yesterday evening at the remote town of Nauta.

After a superb breakfast onboard the Delfin II, we got fitted in rubber boots provided by our crew, we jumped in our skiff for a short ride to our destination for the morning: a walk in the adjacent tropical rainforest of an area called Casual. Our expert Amazon nature guides led the walks with the aid of local scouts from a nearby town. As our guides explained the intricate workings of this important ecosystem, the local scouts regularly walked out of the forest with interesting small creatures in their hands for us to learn about – camouflaged lizards, colorful tiny poison-dart frogs, huge hairy tarantulas. Occasionally they would show up empty handed, but ready to lead us into the forest for a larger, greater find like boa constrictor snakes and three-toed sloth! It was an incredible close encounter with several of the usually elusive creatures that inhabit the tropical rainforest. Impossible without the aid of our local experts!

Upon exiting the trail there were several local people of the Amazon waiting for us. Several women with their children in their arms or playing nearby displayed some of their handcrafts for sale as we boarded our skiffs to return to the Delfin II for a well deserved lunch and some rest.

In the afternoon Delfin II repositioned to nearby Yanayacu River, where we would explore the adjacent forest by skiff or by kayak. All afternoon grey and pink river dolphins entertained us. Out of nowhere they would loudly pop out of the water to breathe as they actively hunted for fish.

The afternoon river exploration was truly enjoyed by our many guest photographers. The light was really perfect to photograph the many birds that our guides and skiff drivers found for us.

A super promising first day of adventures in the Upper Amazon of Peru!