It was our first day of explorations aboard the Delfin II at the Upper Amazon in Peru and it couldn’t be any better.

Right after breakfast we got ready for the first activity of the day, a hike along the Casual Trail, a place full of flora and fauna literally ready to be discovered by all of us.

It didn’t take us too long to start being amazed by the beauty of this amazing jungle. Just starting the hike, a colorful poison-dart frog gave us the “welcome” with his vocalization. He was a tiny little guy no larger than an inch making all that noise, hoping to find a girlfriend. Lizards, butterflies and the famous anaconda were just some of the treasures Mother Nature decided to show us.

As the morning continued we all gathered back at our boat ready to continue with our day. Our next destination: the Yanayacu River.

A couple hours later we were navigating while having lunch and sharing the morning experiences. Our Captain and the crew tied up our ship right at the entrance of Yanayacu, just on time to get our dessert and watch the pink and gray dolphins from the dining room.

Finally we got ready for a kayak/skiff ride, to enjoy the natural beauties of this river: herons, egrets, hawks, kingfishers and many more amazing birds made this afternoon memorable to all of us.