An early start was rewarded by yet another stunningly gorgeous sunrise. We boarded our excursion boats in the early morning mist to venture a short way into the bustling Vietnamese floating market. Prices of goods were called out from boats as locals negotiated and shopped for that day’s provisions. Some enjoyed noodles and coffee while they waited for customers to stop. Next was a market equally as lively and far more colorful at Chao Doc, where vegetables, flowers, fruits, colorful textiles, sweets, and more filled the market stalls.

Afterward, our trishaw drivers took us on a ride to enjoy the morning bustle. Parents and children, friends and families enjoyed noodles for breakfast at tables along the sidewalks. Boisterous and cheerful school children called out as we passed by. Our morning concluded with a visit to a fishery where tilapia are raised and farmed.

Back on board, we ate breakfast and sailed the morning’s brief, cool winter air. After lunch, Naturalist Max Seigel engaged us with a presentation on fisheries of the Mekong. Traveling further along brought us to My An Hung, home to Mr. Lam’s farm and a hamlet full of friendly and engaging delta dwellers. Kids ran out to greet us and proud families invited us in for visits as we walked the waterway that cuts through the village. While in the village, our ship crew set up a “sweets station,” where we could sample the local fruits, including one, the durian fruit, which the locals say, “tastes like heaven and smells like hell.” Children played soccer while some of the older village members visited with guests from Jahan as the sun sunk lower toward the horizon.

We said goodbye to our afternoon companions and returned to the ship, where leche martinis were served as we took in yet another colorful and peaceful Mekong sunset. Tomorrow we venture deeper into the Mekong Delta for more adventures on our last full day on Jahan.