Overnight National Geographic Sea Lion transited through Sergius Narrows and Peril Strait. This morning we explored various inlets and coves in search of wildlife. A few Dall’s porpoises darted about and bird sightings included bald eagles, scoters and marbled murrelets. Jellyfish and leaping salmon added to the fun. In Sitkoh Bay (Chichagof Island) we were rewarded with good looks at a coastal brown bear as it wandered just outside of the forest margin. Another brown bear was spotted as we cruised northward in Chatham Strait.

Between sightings we filled the morning with various safety briefings, and Rich gave a presentation on digital photography to prepare us for many anticipated photo opportunities. A hands-on practicum followed to further familiarize ourselves with our individual cameras.

Purse seine fishing vessels maximized their chances to intercept Pacific salmon on their way toward their natal streams. We watched the vessel Owyhee, from Juneau, set its net in a circle and draw it in with a load of writhing fish.

In the afternoon there were options to walk and kayak around the Red Cliff Islands in Freshwater Bay. Harbor seals entertained with their big brown eyes and curious nature. Many interesting things were found and discussed as we examined the forest and shoreline.

During our shore activities, our undersea specialist, Justin, and his dive buddy, Michelle, documented the underwater realm, bringing back video to show at the evening recapitulation of the day. It is a surprisingly colorful and vibrant world.

After dinner National Geographic Sea Lion departed the anchorage and we continued our voyage to the north.