As National Geographic Quest sailed south down Chatham Strait into over 20 knots of wind, she sought refuge in a small bay on the eastern coast of Baranof Island. Warm Springs Bay is home to a small group of local Alaskans, including the students and researchers of the Alaska Whale Foundation. After breakfast, the current director of the foundation, Andy Szabo, came on board to present about the group’s recent research and successes in Southeast Alaska.

Tucking into Skanax Bay on the northwestern corner of Kuiu Island, National Geographic Quest anchored and dropped Zodiacs, kayaks, and paddleboards for the afternoon’s adventures. Almost half of the ship took a long journey to get dropped off deeper in the bay; their goal was to bushwhack their way back to Halleck Harbor, where the ship was anchored. As those hikers trekked through the rainforest, the rest enjoyed a blue-sky kayak and coastal walk or a Zodiac cruise for the afternoon. Once everyone had returned to the main landing within Halleck Harbor, many guests went for a swim in the clear, 48-degree waters.