Today aboard National Geographic Sea Bird was one for the books! Our day casually started out with several hours observing a very actively feeding humpback along the shorelines. We were impressed by how close to shore the humpback was getting, but upon further contemplation it seemed like the perfect plan for a breakfast buffet. The whale was corralling fish close to the shore’s steep rock walls until the bait was dense enough to warrant a net of bubbles from the single whale then finally a large lunge to gather as much fish as possible in one gulp.

After following along the epic journey this whale was having, we realized we still had the whole day ahead of us. Staff, crew, and guests alike continued scanning for wildlife on the horizon en route to Iyoukeen Cove for an afternoon of hiking and kayaking. Our shipboard groups, the Puffins and Brown Bears, traded turns with both activities.

After we encountered some windy weather, National Geographic Sea Bird headed north to make our way towards the Inian Islands. Off in the distance our trusty Chief Mate Jim Vivian spotted not only a group of humpback whales in the distance but also killer whales. Some guests jumped out of their dinner seats to enjoy an hours long encounter with a group of 7 orcas including two large males. Male orcas are distinguishable from their female counterparts by their large triangular shaped dorsal fin that is displayed prominently when they come out of the water to breathe. One female even dove back and forth under the ship cruising by the bow to peek at the onlookers from above. Some guests were even quick enough to catch a large orca breach, which is a behavior in which the whale jumps out of the water with almost the entirety of its body! Indeed, it was a day meant for the books!