Hello, my name is Sherona, but my friends call me Shrapnel. I spent most of the day in Chatham Strait with my buddy Vulture and other close acquaintances. We even had a visit from a big metal thing called National Geographic Venture. They visited us early in the morning and late in the afternoon. In the middle of the day, they disappeared, but I heard they visited Lake Eva and hiked and saw bears, salmon, and eagles.

What were we doing all day? Well, we were being the intelligent beings that we are and were using skills to bubble net feed. A group of us that meet up every summer here in Alaska blow bubbles, scream like someone called Miles Davis, and eat A LOT, I MEAN A LOT of herring! All. Day. Long.

I have the nickname Shrapnel because sometime about 10 years ago I got too close to a big spinning metal thing, but I’m doing alright as I have lived and swum to Hawaii multiple times over the years. And I do it without Google Maps! ALOHA!

Daily Expedition Report by Shrapnel, humpback whale, with translation by Mike Greenfelder, Naturalist.