A day in the spirit of true expedition! We awoke in Saook Bay, a peaceful inlet with rocky headlands and expansive grassy meadows. A microscopic brown bear tantalized us from the high grass, periodically lifting its head above the meadow buffet before wandering into the forest. A couple Sitka black-tailed deer ambled along a streambed on the opposite side of the meadow, nibbling on tender young greens. As we headed out of the bay, two deer families trotted down the shoreline, fawns staying close beside their mothers. So much wildlife, and all before breakfast!

During the morning we cruised Chatham Strait, encountering a humpback whale feeding near the surface. Shallow dives showed us the whale's tail, which had beautiful and distinctive white patterning on the underside. Photo instructor Sharon Grainger presented an inspiring talk on digital photography, followed by a photo breakout session to discuss the details of camera mechanics.

After lunch we rode our expedition landing craft to shore, where we split into groups to enjoy a variety of activities on Pond Island. Adventure hikers took the trail to its end, then embarked on a wild bushwhack through dense blueberry bushes, wading through saturated sphagnum moss and clambering over and under logs to the opposite side of the island. It was an epic introduction to Alaska. Moderate and leisurely/photo walkers enjoyed a more relaxed exploration of the island, investigating a beaver dam and a variety of orchids. Kayakers took to their boats, paddling over quiet waters and enjoying views of harbor seals.

Dinner was delicious, and the evening was spent following orcas!