Our morning in Pavlof Harbor was a gift of quintessential Southeast Alaska. Very large Sitka spruce and western hemlock trees dotted with bald eagles lined the creek as it passed over riffles; lead to a small waterfall and up a 20 foot rocky outcrop to a calm reflective lake. Wildflowers spotted the coastal meadow along the trail and low clouds draped the mountains above. Several species of Pacific salmon spawn in various parts of this clear clean stream…pink salmon in the lower intertidal area and sockeye or red in the lake and streams above the falls. We watched juvenile fish in the fry stage of sockeye salmon just above the fish ladder. Others enjoyed the intertidal and forest life from expedition landing craft, or exploring with new friends in the kayaks.

On our return to National Geographic Sea Bird, many of our guests (especially the youngest explorers) enjoyed a quick dip in the chilly chilly waters of the North Pacific Ocean. Many interesting styles of cannonballs, flips, and dives were represented as one after another of our hardy explorers jumped off the bow of the expedition landing craft into cold, salty water. It was a great opportunity for those aboard the ship to photograph the fun and an exciting finale to a great family expedition.