Anchored in the bay of Chinese Hat, we contemplate the sunrise in the far east, our morning awaits and kayakers head out to explore the turquoise water surrounded by hectares of old and new lava. Wildlife abounds in the Galapagos Islands - many bird species, crabs on the rocks, sea lions swimming or resting on land, and all in the company of the knowledgeable park rangers.

Later, we explored the water to observe its richness and diversity. It’s easy to spot fish of different kinds as well as sea lions and other marine invertebrates. In the afternoon, we navigated to Sullivan Bay on Santiago Island where more kayaking and snorkeling was planned. Another fantastic area to observe the landscape and wildlife, both on land and in the sea. We visited another white sand beach. Later that afternoon, we enjoyed a Zodiac ride that took us to see the enigmatic Galapagos penguin.

To end the day, we walked on fresh lava, no more than 200 years of age. Its shapes and textures are a wonderful testimony of what happened to the cooling flows that made this island slightly larger on one side. It looks as primitive as it is beautiful.

The sun sets on a beautiful day.