We woke up, to a nice cloudy day in the Peruvian Upper Amazon, a bit foggy but giving us some good light for photography.  After breakfast we went on a skiff ride along the river and encountered a large variety of birds. Even though it was a bit misty, we spotted some black collar hawks, neo-tropical cormorants, and squirrel monkeys, as well as a large number of great egrets. A few festive parakeets were seen perched on the dry trees.    After the skiff ride we can back on board and soon got ready to go out again to swim in the Amazonian waters.

After our morning exploration we had lunch, and soon some of us had the opportunity to share some photographs to display on our final slide show of our expedition.

During the afternoon, we went out to explore again, we went on a hike to explore the forest again and encounter a large pond with giant lily pods floating in the water. This ecosystem had a few species of birds inhabiting its surroundings.  At the end of our exploration we had the opportunity to buy some local handicrafts produced by the locals at a small market of Puerto Miguel village.