We set out this morning after our first breakfast on board the Delfin II (and what a delicious one it was!). Our day began in Clavero Lake, an oxbow lake formed over time as the Ucayali River has changed its course. We had some incredible bird sightings: close views of three of the five species of kingfishers in the Amazon, a common potoo, and a great black hawk dining on fish right in front of us. Three-toed sloths and the world’s smallest monkey, the pygmy marmoset, also greeted us on our skiff ride. Back on board, guests had presentations by our natural history staff introducing them to the Amazon rainforest and to Pacaya Samiria National Reserve in particular.

After lunch, we had some downtime as well as our first photography talk of the week. We took to the water again in the late afternoon when the wildlife is out, this time exploring the waterways of Supay Caño. One section of our skiff ride had us navigating in very shallow conditions. It’s incredible how much the water can recede in just one week in this season! After a bit of route-finding, we made our way into narrower passages. We met local fishermen along the way and saw their catches, including some of the famous piranha species. We had beautiful views as we returned at sunset, and we were grateful for such a lovely first day!