As we made our way in the skiffs to Clavero Lake, it was nice to see lots of children heading to school. The mode of transportation was a little different from back home, as they were driving themselves in little dugout canoes with small groups of children in each boat.

Today’s focus was sustainability, so we spent some time talking to fisherman catching their daily fish. Some were using rods, but most of them had nets laid across sections of the creek or the lake. They were catching a variety of fish including catfish, bass, and piranha! We got to see the sharp teeth of the red-bellied piranha.

On our way back to Delfin II, we stopped at a nice wide section of the lake to take a refreshing swim. The entries into the lake were certainly varied, with gentle climbs down the ladder to full cannonballs with maximum water displacement!

For our late afternoon skiff ride, we forayed up Supay Creek with the water rapidly declining, as we are in the dry season. The variety of birds was astounding, but the highlight was a black-collared hawk fishing.