Greetings from National Geographic Sea Bird! Today our adventure led us through the stunning Columbia River Gorge, beginning with an early morning passage through the Bonneville Lock at 7 am. Our day was filled with exploration and discovery as we delved into the rich landscapes and culture of the region.

We anchored near The Dalles, a town surrounded by natural beauty and steeped in history. Our group divided, embarking on two equally enticing adventures. Half of our fellow explorers hiked up Beacon Rock, a stunning monolith offering breathtaking vistas of the gorge. The other half embarked on a journey to Multnomah Falls, where the lush, mossy surroundings and cascading waters presented a remarkable sight.

Our paths converged at the Bonneville Fish Hatchery, where we gained insights into the vital efforts to conserve salmon populations in the Columbia River. Witnessing the incredible life cycle of these fish, from spawning to release, left us with a deeper understanding of the ecological intricacies of the region.

Following our visit to the hatchery, we indulged in a satisfying lunch at the Crag Rat Hut. Surrounded by the rugged beauty of the Pacific Northwest, it was a true taste of the wild heart of this land.

In the afternoon our explorations continued at Draper Girls Farm, a haven for apple lovers. We sampled the flavors of the region with a cider tasting, savoring the crisp and refreshing notes of freshly pressed apples.

Before returning to the ship, we explored the Western Antique Aeroplane and Automobile Museum (WAAAM), a fascinating collection of vintage cars and planes that offered a glimpse into the past.

As we sailed away from this memorable day, we carried with us the memories of natural wonders, cultural experiences, and the beauty of the Columbia River Gorge. Tomorrow promises more exciting adventures as we continue our voyage aboard National Geographic Sea Bird.

Stay tuned for further discoveries and extraordinary moments!